Re: ANNOUNCE:one more castle
Wed, 4 Oct 1995 09:44:45 -0700
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On Oct 4, 10:59am, Colin Dooley wrote:
> Subject: Re: ANNOUNCE:one more castle
>At 00:16 4/10/95 -0700, you wrote:
>>announcing a vrml-model of some interest (at least touristic):
>>it's an mediaeval castle in Italy it has lods - inlines - many lights
>>(interior) - and (limited) jpg textures (interior)
>>it has been optimized on an extreme SGI but of course will work also on
>>onix :)
>It brought my VGXT to its knees (theoretically faster than an extreme -
>especially with textures).
>I desad to think what it will do to a PC :S
I'm running an SGI Extreme and it works just fine. I'm also
running WebSpace 1.1. By "extreme" did you mean "Extreme".
If so, then I disagree with your statement.
It's a very well done, fluid, castle.
Scott Nelson
|Scott D. Nelson B131 Rm2074 3-1250 |
|Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
|7000 East Ave., L-153 Livermore CA 94550 |
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