Re: vrml and java
Vassilis Bourdakis (
Wed, 4 Oct 1995 15:56:51 +0000
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At 07:53 04/10/95 -0400, wrote:
>It seemed to me that vrml and java have almost the same function of 3-d
>graphics on the internet. And it seemed hotjava is commercially more successful
>than most vrml browsers. does anyone can give some information about
>comparing these two things?
To be honest, I don't think you can compare them...
Have a good look at VRML, not only the specs, and I'm sure you'll find out
yourself that a rendered image with full interaction (VRML) cannot be
compared to a wireframe of a boat...(java)
Java, may and probably will, be used as a programming tool for vrml like perl
but things are still very much experimental.
--- --- ---- ---- ----
Dr. Vassilis Bourdakis ---- ---- ----- -----
Tel +44 (0)1225 826475 CASA, Bath University
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chaoyu@CS.SunySB.EDU: "vrml and java"