Re: Interactive Agents and the Web

Claude L. Bullard (
Wed, 4 Oct 1995 12:07:02 -0400

Yes, the reply to Mitra makes the current situation
clearer. Let me reiterate this point. Unless
a PAS exists, and with the need for the PAS to
be adopted by in the best case, an international
standards body, Telescript will be classifie
(classified) as a proprietary work and
not accessible to contractually configured
acquisition based on open standards. The PAS
must include explicit language with regards
to royalty-free development. While this
in no way affects your commercialization,
those commercial products which incorporate
Telescript will be responsible for all
encumberances and proof of legal entitlement.
You are advised to review the current situation
with respect to PDF and Adobe's efforts
to addesss these issues.

Len Bullard

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