Re: Interactive Agents and the Web
Claude L. Bullard (
Wed, 4 Oct 1995 09:29:15 -0400
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The reply to Paul Burchard is better information.
For those of us who research emerging products,
can you please provide URLs that point PAST
the marketing material. Mitra's point on
the need to review the protocol is well taken.
Telescript is on the list of products that
I will be looking at for a report to my
customers this quarter. More detailed
technical information will be required.
While interactive agents are a topic of
interest, extensibility beyond the WWW
set of notations and multi-protocol support
will be the "showstopping" features as
well as a standards provenance. As was
the case with PDF, to be acceptable, a
Publically Available Specification (PAS)
and the statement that General Magic makes
the specification available for royalty-free
development will be required. Without
these, the government market will not
be a simple place to do business.
Len Bullard
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Bernie Roehl: "Re: Interactive Agents and the Web"
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Michael Pichler: "Re: VRML 1.0"
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Chris Bloom: "Interactive Agents and the Web"
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Bernie Roehl: "Re: Interactive Agents and the Web"