Re: VRML 1.0

Michael Pichler (
Wed, 4 Oct 1995 14:17:55 +0100

>>>>> "C" == Colin Dooley <> writes:
C> At 15:05 3/10/95 E, you wrote:
>>>> 1) How do I enable backface culling? Surely this is a basic facility
>>>> for a 3D renderer, but my viewer doesn't do it...

>> ShapeHints ShapeType SOLID should turn on backface culling. Spec sez so.

C> I tried this, and it works. Just not obvious from the spec. I still don't
C> understand why it is only a "hint to the viewer" though. This is pretty
C> fundamental stuff if you ask me...
C> Colin

You should also set vertexOrdering to COUNTERCLOCKWISE to ensure that
backface culling is done right.

Spec: "if an object is solid and has ordered vertices, an
implementation may turn on backface culling and turn off two-sided
lighting". You can esad gmay" as "should".


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