> In using the wc2pov converter to make VRML files from
> some of the MeshMart 3DS files, I noticed some surface normal problems
> (see enclosed). There were numerous examples of this
> problem in many different files. Does anyone know if this is a
> wc2pov, 3DS problem, operator error on my part ???
> Otherwise, the MeshMart collection and the wc2pov converter are
> very nice.
I have seen references to this problem before and recall a solution, but
I can not find it.
If someone know's how to correct this, please let me know and I'll post the
fix in MeshMart.
: Richard Tilmann rtilmann@gesat-lakes.net :
: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :
: MeshMart ... your one stop source for 3D Mesh Objects :
: http://cedar.cic.net/~rtilmann/mm/index.htm :