Re: testing VRML browsers
Len Wanger (
Tue, 3 Oct 1995 17:01:10 -0500
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>I am looking around for some sort of "fuzzy" comparison
>tool for checking visual scenes that a browser might
>produce. In my imaginings, the "fuzzy" tool could
>be asked to look for a projection of a cube, cylinder
>or cone in a picture, and maybe a color, and it would say "yes,
>there is a red cube there". And it wouldn't matter
>if the cube was displayed using in a width and
>height of 20, 21, or 22 pixels.
>Am I dreaming to imagine such a tool, or has anybody
>actually heard or even seen such a thing?
There was a short article on such a system in the SIGGRAPH newsletter (not
the SIGGRAPH conference proceedings) a year or two ago. Sorry, but I don't
remember the author's name.
Len Wanger
Interactive Simulations, Inc. Email:
5330 Carroll Canyon Rd, Suite #203 Phone: (619) 658-9783
San Diego, CA 92121 FAX: (619) 658-9463
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