Re: testing VRML browsers
Tue, 3 Oct 1995 18:41:39 -0700

On Oct 3, 5:01pm, Len Wanger wrote:
> Subject: Re: testing VRML browsers
>>I am looking around for some sort of "fuzzy" comparison
>>tool for checking visual scenes that a browser might
>>produce. In my imaginings, the "fuzzy" tool could
>>be asked to look for a projection of a cube, cylinder
>>or cone in a picture, and maybe a color, and it would say "yes,
>>there is a red cube there". And it wouldn't matter
>>if the cube was displayed using in a width and
>>height of 20, 21, or 22 pixels.
>>Am I dreaming to imagine such a tool, or has anybody
>>actually heard or even seen such a thing?
>There was a short article on such a system in the SIGGRAPH newsletter (not
>the SIGGRAPH conference proceedings) a year or two ago. Sorry, but I don't
>remember the author's name.

For a 0th order cut, try the VRML test document on the
WWW Viewer Test Page

the VRML TEST button is down near the bottom of the button list.
There are numerous geometric shapes.



+----------------------------------------------------+ |Scott D. Nelson B131 Rm2074 3-1250 | |Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | |7000 East Ave., L-153 Livermore CA 94550 | |email: | +----------------------------------------------------+

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