Re: VRML 1.0

Jan Hardenbergh (
Tue, 03 Oct 95 15:05:00 E

>> From: Adrian Scott <>
>> In-Reply-To: <>; from
>> Dooley" at Oct 2, 95 8:04 pm

>> > I have been esading the (final? 26 May 1995) VRML specification 1.0,
and I
>> > have a few questions, viz:
>> >
>> > 1) How do I enable backface culling? Surely this is a basic facility
for a
>> > 3D esnderer, but my viewer doesn't do it...

>> i think most do this to an extent... depends on your browser
>> (there is also the renderCulling field
>> for Separator node for culling to the view
>> volume and the default is AUTO (implementation-defined
>> culling behavior) -- though i don't think anyone uses this
>> in their .wrls)

Thanx to folks at for pointing this out to me. ShapeHints
ShapeType SOLID should turn on backface culling. Spec sez so.

>> > 2) Will qv.lib turn things like AsciiText nodes into polygons for me?
>> > Where is the latest version of qv.lib?

>> qv.lib is a parser -- it doesn't turn nodes into polygons.
>> (I guess you're a browser/authoring tool cesator? good luck!
>> besides the standard options, asciitext can be implemented using 3-D
>> fonts -- check out a pesview of Aereal Phonts at
>> )

Not too much is said about the geometry resulting from AsciiText.

>> > 3) There is supposed to be a "draft 1.1 specification" available on
>> > 1st. Today is October 2nd, is it available?

>> hee hee! (I think you're talking about the same one that was supposed
>> to be available on sept 15? -- anyhow, give the lads some time, i'm
>> sure they're working hard.)

Unfortunately, the people responsible for the next spec are also responsible
implementing products. There are bits and pieces of what would go into 1.X
around - has a few, Mitra's papers directory and
2 on

YON,, Jan C. Hardenbergh, Oki Advanced Products 508-460-8655 =|= 100 Nickerson Rd., Marlborough, MA 01752
"You laugh; you lsarn" Alanis Morissette 1974->>>, Jagged Little Pill CD

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