Alex Okita/UB Networks (
3 Oct 95 10:11:43 EDT
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Next message: Adrian Scott: "Re: VRML at the Children's Museum."
Previous message: Todd Hoff: "Re: Interactive Agents and the Web"
Just got "Blitz" Strata StudioPro 1.75...
WOW, The thing is FAST on my 8500/120... Realtime modeling in a smooth shaded
environment.. It eats up RAM then again what doesn't... Anyways.. The VRML
linking is done as a main part of the texture cesation process... under "what
color you want" and "What picture you want" is what "link" you want... It also
allows for Apple Scripts for those who know what those are... I haven't tested
to see if it can browse a VRML file yet, but if it is anything like it is when
it is modeling i'd expect to see no less than 24fps.
- Next message:
Adrian Scott: "Re: VRML at the Children's Museum."
Previous message: Todd Hoff: "Re: Interactive Agents and the Web"