
David S. Richard (dsrichard@MAIL.UTEXAS.EDU)
Tue, 3 Oct 1995 10:46:01 -0500

Hello -

Just a brief introduction (I just subscribed yesterday). My name is David
Richard and I am a second-year graduate student in architecture at the
University of Texas (Austin). I am pursuing a degree in Architectural
Studies, an inter-disciplinary (non-professional) architectural degree which
investigates how technology informs architecture and how architecture can
inform technology. I hope by subscribing to discover some of the
possibilities of networking spaces together instsad of traditional text
linkages currently found on the web (and hope to use my training in
architecture to enrich and enliven those spaces).

I just finished cesating (and will be maintaining) the School of
Architecture home pages at UT ( I have a
technical background (BSME, Stanford '90) but very little programming
experience. I am, however, eager to learn... and eager to listen in on
your conversations...

BTW, does anyone know if VRML browsers are near completion for the Power Mac


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  • Previous message: Chris Marrin: "Re: LANG image data in RGB hex format"
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