VRML at the Children's Museum.

Bazemore Jonathan R (jbazemor@LnxLand1.denver.colorado.EDU)
Mon, 2 Oct 1995 23:22:37 -0600

Dear Friends,

I just want to say thanks very much for
all the comments and feedback you have given;

We upgraded a 486DX-66 to 16 Megabytes of
ram in preparation to run a VRML browser and
demonstrate it for the boss to see if there was
enough support behind putting it on one of the

I installed and ran the VRML browser today,
it was called wrldw32s.zip, and went to a site that
had Escher-like stairs and doorways in all directions.

But other times when I tried to load the .wrl
files, I got "unknown URL error 444" or "first line
not in vrml format," etc.

Other VRML files I tried, were huge; one was
2.7 Megabytes, and after it downloaded, I couldn't see

So I was wondering if there is a list somewhere
of smaller (500Kb or smaller) .wrl files on the net that
can be run with the wrldw32s.zip file, or if I should
get another browser? We have WinSock and Netscape, as
well as Mosaic.

Thanks very much in advance for any feedback,


-Jon Bazemore

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