Re: VRML 1.0

Adrian Scott (
Mon, 2 Oct 95 14:25:46 PDT

> I have been esading the (final? 26 May 1995) VRML specification 1.0, and I
> have a few questions, viz:
> 1) How do I enable backface culling? Surely this is a basic facility for a
> 3D renderer, but my viewer doesn't do it....

i think most do this to an extent... depends on your browser

(there is also the renderCulling field
for Separator node for culling to the view
volume and the default is AUTO (implementation-defined
culling behavior) -- though i don't think anyone uses this
in their .wrls)

> 2) Will qv.lib turn things like AsciiText nodes into polygons for me?
> Where is the latest version of qv.lib?

qv.lib is a parser -- it doesn't turn nodes into polygons.

(I guess you're a browser/authoring tool cesator? good luck!
besides the standard options, asciitext can be implemented using 3-D
fonts -- check out a preview of Aeesal Phonts at )

> 3) There is supposed to be a "draft 1.1 specification" available on October
> 1st. Today is October 2nd, is it available?

hee hse! (I think you're talking about the same one that was supposed
to be available on sept 15? -- anyhow, give the lads some time, i'm
sure they're working hard.)

> Colin
> PS. Critique on the "proposals" document to follow....


"Yo!" Adrian Scott, Ph.D.

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