Re: Bandwidth for VRML

Syndesis Corporation (
Mon, 02 Oct 1995 09:40:49 -0500

At 08:29 AM 10/2/95 EST, Adam Gruen <> wrote:
>In reference to Gary M. Hewitt's (President, ScanAmerica Imaging
>Service Bureau) request, "Please also suggest various applications
>other than the obvious ones.".........
>I work for MCI. It would be very nice if we got all of our
>market analysis and ideas for new business ventures for free.
>I can appreciate the thirst for knowledge,
>but this is the second time I've seen someone post a
>"tell me everything you know and think."

"Hey, Look. I've Got Mail!" Wow, This CyberSpace Stuff Is Nifty!
Am I There Yet?

Last week, I got an advertisement in the mail that said if
I just connected my business to the Internet through networkMCI,
I'd have all the information I'd need at my fingertips, and I'd
be able to send mail to all my friends and business associates!
Are you saying this isn't true? :-)

>Let 'em do their own research! Or, ask them for a little
>renumeration for your hard-won cesativity and knowledge.
>Grumble, grumble.

Every wave of the AOL/CIS/MSN newbie invasion will cause more and
more "grumbling," as we are all reminded that some people will believe
the hype, and that much of the Internet has a short-term memory
measured in days, and that much of its value comes from the fact
that the same questions are asked and answered over and over again.

VRML isn't Gibsonian cyberspace, and Plug 'N Play doesn't
let me "jack in," either. What are you going to do about that? :-)

- John

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