WebSpace, too slow to install from Europe!

Narcis Pares (npares@harrison.upf.es)
Mon, 2 Oct 1995 10:21:07 +0100

Hello everyone,

This is my first mail on the list after a few weeks of carefull listening. I
will not introduce myself here to keep this short, but anyone interested on
knowing about me and the Audio-visual Institute (Univ. Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona)
can check my personal site (see signature) and the Institute's site at:

Well, my problem is that trying to download and install WebSpace from Barcelona
is so slow that it throws us out 'cause of <time out>. We would like to have
the browser without having to go through all the pages of installation of SGI's
site. How can we do it? (Unfortunately, the people from SGI in Spain have not
been of much help). We are working on Indy and Indigo2 EXTREME.

Thanks very much in advance.

1                                          1
1  Narcis Pares i Burgues                  0
0  Coordinator of the VR Lab               0
1  Institut Universitari de l'Audiovisual  1 
0  Universitat Pompeu Fabra                1 
1  Rambla, 31                              0
1  08002 Barcelona                         1 
0  http://www.iua.upf.es/~npares/          1
1                                          0

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