Re: Coordinate Systems

D. Owen Rowley (
Thu, 25 May 1995 09:11:08 -0700

At 08:12 AM 5/25/95 PDT, Randy Stiles wrote:
> From: Help Chuck Kosta <>
> At this
> point it is not a matter for committee discussion or arguement;
> Y up is the way
> to go in the spec. HOWEVER, we can possibly create TAGS or FILTERS to help
> people straighten out their worlds.

>It is a point for consideration by the committee


what commitee are you refering to?

>- everyone maintains
>that it is so easy to just rotate - however several people have said
>"we should not change it - this would affect all the inventor models
>and primitives" which tells you right off it is not just as easy as a

even though there is some common history and some ascii format
common between VRML and OI, they are not the same, and I don't think
there is any need for them to march lock-step.

VRML is not OI

>At any rate, whatever this group decides should be explicit in the
>spec, both for implementers and users. And it should say the order in
>which rotation angles are applied yaw first, pitch second, roll third,
>because it makes a difference. Do not confuse this with the order of
>rotation fields in a file - we are discussing here how they are
>applied mathematically. Or - if it is a quaternion based orientation
>system - then say it explicitly in the spec. Give some references to
>quaternions, such as Ken Shoemake in the 85 Siggraph proceedings.

Once again as I did last year - I call to the moderators of this list to
speak directly to this issue, inform the readership how this issue is to
proceed, state clearly what lines of responsibility exist ( or don't exist),
and generaly manage the public debate about this issue before it descends
into the pit of E-hell again. As it did once before.

To the readership I say, please lets be aware that there is more at stake
here than preserving our individual training exercises, or beginning steps.
Mark and Tony threw away their entire first years work to adopt the current

VRML has injected a vitalising element into the equation because it is not
the property of an omnipotent indus-diety .

VRML is the enabling technology that allows us to *see* the signs pointing
the way to distributed interactive goals. Don't mistake the sign for the goal.

LUX ./. owen

D. Owen Rowley - -
Organ Grinder: The Community Company LTD.
What this industry needs are good "people-oriented" cyberspace applications
- Because the world isn't just 3D -