Re: Height maps, etc.

Gavin Bell (
Wed, 10 May 1995 22:33:28 -0700

> >In addition, for me, some form of compression of VRML files is probably
> >needed, or at least a more compact encoding (I think this subject has been
> >discussed elsewhere on this mail list).

-- the resolution was to just use gzip; it compresses ASCII VRML files very
nicely, and compressed content is becoming standard (latest versions of
NetScape and Mosaic support it, anyway).

> Is their a grammar for VRML, that is, is VRML able to be compiled?

Anybody on the VRML mailing list know of a grammar specification language
that can handle extensible, self-describing grammars? BNF doesn't cut it; I
can't write a BNF grammar that allows me to describe:

NewKindOfNode {
fields [ SFFloat value ]
value 10.3