RE: Coordinates and Multiuser

Elie Rosenblum (
Wed, 3 May 1995 19:23:05 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 3 May 1995, Jimmy Dang wrote:

> On Wed, 3 May 1995, David Peck wrote:
> [Stuff about universal coordinate system]
> > Discussion?
> A few questions. No ideas... yet.
> 1) Division of land. Who will control the parceling out of land?
> Exactly how would this 'beacon' idea work? Would every server be a beacon,
> maintaining a list of nearby beacons? Will there have to be a two-way
> link? For instance, in a Mush, a room can have an exit to another
> room, but the other room doesn't necessarily have an exit going back.

For the parceling out of land thing, the point gets rather stupid looking
when you think about how geography would is parceled out by
the very fact that another server has a 'link' to it. Re two way linking,
you could either have objects that handled transitions between zones (and
just have both zones link to a portal object), or something similar. Or
just do reverse linking. Yes, every server SHOULD be a beacon; a 'global'
reference system would make things a bit easier to conceptualize, but in
fact make the system more difficult to manage; there should NOT be a
central 'authority' over the system.

> 2) Another problem; how can you be sure that someone doesn't occupy your
> space?

Why can't someone occupy your space? If you _do_ want to handle
collisions, you can have the zone's process (however that works - some
people think real client/server with each zone being a client would be
best; I have been working on some weird stuff with having everything
treat each other as clients, sort of peer based.) handle movement events
within the zone.

> 3) Looking out the window. When looking into an adjacent server's front
> lawn, would the client connect the the adjacent server, or would the
> current server somehow have a 'copy' of the front lawn?

That would be up to the process handling the window; it could either look
up what a view in the adjacent zone, or do anything else it wanted to,
really. A matter of how complex the zone's author wants to make it.

> 4) Interaction of objects between servers. Would this be handled?

Server? What server?

> Etc.?

Yeah. ;)

/* | | *\
\* AKA LED@TinyCWRU LED@OtherMUSH LED@Discordia LED@TX */
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