Is it still April 1 in the United States?
INTERNET VIRUS ALERT is really enjoyable (^^), and it's time
to go back to www-talking.
March 31 is already over anywhere, and some of we need to
re-download newer version of Netscape, to be expired June 30,
and need to go to the "user anonymous access denied" jams.
I don't understand why we have to update Netscape too often.
Is there a necessity to do so?
(But I love Netscape because it supports Japanese character
encodings originally. NCSA Mosaic is nearly useless to
browse Japanese sites.)
Does anyone know if we have a better hope??
Any pointer (not poison) is appreciated.
Hiroshi MURATA.
Hiroshi MURATA (in JIS encoding, $BB<ED(B $BGn;K(B )
---------------------------------------------------------- or
NTT Software Laboratories
M9-411A, 3-9-11 Midori-cho Musashino Tokyo 180 JAPAN