Welcome again!

Kevin 'Kev' Hughes (kevinh@eit.COM)
Tue, 14 Dec 1993 04:00:41 -0800

This list has been absolutely silent due to some mailing list
setup problems. Currently there are over 50 people subscribed to this
list; there be be tons of ideas out there...
So please, start throwing out some ideas to discuss and try
posting so I can be reassured that I fixed the mailing list software!
If you find any problems posting, or your posts do not appear on the
list after half a day or more, email me at kevinh@eit.com and I'll take
another look at the list.

-- Kevin

Kevin Hughes * kevinh@eit.com
Enterprise Integration Technologies Webmaster (http://www.eit.com/)
Hypermedia Industrial Designer * Duty now for the future!