RE: How'd they do that.

Thomas Reardon (
Mon, 11 Dec 1995 22:02:15 -0800

I believe Spyglass and now Netscape 2.0 support client-side imagemaps.

-Thomas Reardon

Sent: Monday, December 11, 1995 7:44 PM
To: Steve Scheuber
Subject: Re: How'd they do that.

On Mon, 11 Dec 1995, Steve Scheuber wrote:

> The below stuff was taken from a web page at Microsoft. I don't
> understand the <a href=""> beyond the fact that it
> sensitizes the image so one can click on it. Is there CGI code
> that sits on their server, and what does it look like? How
> does it use the map4 defined in the HTML file sent to the browser?
> Does anybody understand this stuff? Thanks for your help!

Currently, only the MS Internet Explorer supports this feature, the client
imagemap. The traditional imagemap resolution is now done on the client
computer. No CGI programs are involved in the process. The whole point
-> URL mapping is actually downloaded to one's browser, as "map4" in the

USEMAP="" is to select the correct map info for a client imagemap.

Actually, MS has put the complete related info on their Web site, I just
can't recall the correct place.

> <a href=""><img border=0 width=623 height=339
> src="img/front-door.gif" USEMAP="#map4" ISMAP></a>
> <i>&#169; 1995 Microsoft Corporation</i>
> <map name="map4">
> <area shape="rect" coords="116,0,350,115" href="intro1.html">
> <area shape="rect" coords="1,113,243,234" href="surfing1.html">
> <area shape="rect" coords="350,115,585,231" href="advanced.html">
> <area shape="rect" coords="468,233,587,339" href="menu.html">
> </map>

             /            Keith K Chau
           +{) -o/'      -----------------------------------------------
           | \  `n           Often the test of courage is not to die     
          \|/                 but to live. - Conte Vittorio Alfieri