Re: Suppress scroll bars - an idea

Walter Ian Kaye (
Sat, 1 Jul 1995 22:10:20 -0700

At 11:05p 07/01/95, Mike Batchelor wrote:
>I have a suggestion for another style attribute: no-scrollbars. I don't
>know about any of you, but I find it tiresome to use a scrollbar on a long
>page, or have to shift to using the keyboard PgUp/PgDn keys to navigate.
>My idea for a <style> attribute would turn off the browser scroll-bars (if
>it has any), and use paging buttons instead to format the presentation (if
>appropriate for the browser). I'm thinking of a set of buttons somewhere
>on the controls for the browser, or on the page itself, which would let
>you go one page forward, backwards, to the top, or to the bottom.
>I've sort of done this on some Web pages I am writing, by sizing each page
>so that it fits into the window size of the popular Unix browsers, as they
>show with the default resources. This gives the whole site a kiosk or
>slide-show feel, and you can navigate through it with just mouse clicks.
>Of course, a Windows user at 640x480 standard VGA is going to have to
>scroll, or at least hit the PgDn key once to see all the pages (and reach
>the link buttons I placed at the bottom of each page for navigation).
>Any comments?

Re "no-scrollbars": No way, no how, nu-uh. Bad bad bad.

Re browser buttons: Hear, hear! This is a good thing.

Microsoft Excel and Word have facilities in their languages for creating
button bars, and it would be super to have support for that in a web


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# Walter Ian Kaye: (415) 965-4517 FoxPro/Excel Programmer; Guitarist #
# Correspond to:, #
# BinHex files: WWW: #
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