> >What attributes can one use to determine the vertical positioning of text
> >alongside inline images? For example, I'm trying to align some brief
> >explanatory captions next to thumbnail images. I've aligned the image to
> >the left of the page, which allows the text to run flush with the right
> >side of the image. But since there's not much text, I'd like to have the
> >text begin about a quarter of the way down the image rather than at the
> >image's top border.
> >
> >Is there any elegant way to accomplish this, or must I use <br>s?
> Well, depending on the size of the image relative to the text, you might
> try something like:
> <table>
> <tr><td rowspan=4><IMG SRC="whatever">
> <tr><td><td rowspan=3 valign=top>the caption
> <tr><td><td><td>
> <tr><td><td><td>
> </table>
> This is off the top of my head -- please excuse the hairs ;)
> -Walter
tables will be supported in netscape1.1 and netscape1.1N versions only.
mosaic2.0 alos supports tables. please check out for the 1.1 version.
Nandini Srivastava
ERNET Lab phone: 91-11-6867431
Deptt of Comp.Sc. & Engg fax : 91-11-6868765
IIT Hauz Khas, N.Delhi-16 email: nandini@iitd.ernet.in
WWW : http://www.iitd.ernet.in/~nandini