I haven't been on this list long( 2 days - 48 hrs ), but what I've
relates to HTML. If you don't consider HTML-based products as HTML,
then I guess you're right. But everything else has been relevant.
> Isn't there someone who has some control over the
>postings? This wasn't an FAQ the last time I checked, and if anyone
>took the time to notice, people are jumping ship every day. People are
>dying to get off this list. Dan!
Too bad - I hope your fall is not too far! :> I'm staying. Although
list is not pure theory, like comp.database.theory, it still has good
technical substance. Besides, the list is only as good as it's
contributors make it - go ahead and talk HTML!
>Come on you must have some pull around here. Please,
>someone take a little control, weed out all the crud and get back to
>some of the real issues.
>Desperate for some real knowledge,
Already tried that. Virtual knowledge is much more challenging!
>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> Shannon Johnson
> shannonj@uts.cc.utexas.edu
Scott Bell
| Scott Bell - Systems Analyst | Nothing happens unless
| Sec. of State/IS Div. | first a dream.
| scott.a.bell@state.or.us | - Carl Sandberg
| "I speak for myself and no one else" - #include disclaimer.
| Cbr600f2VolleyballGuitarsMy familyComputersEverything else