>Anybody that knows about other early work?
>-- Terje (Norderhaug.CHI@xerox.com)
I am presently teaching course on-line, designed to have no class room
This is as far as I can determine unique, especially since we make use of
Web pages, e-mail, WebChat and newsgroups + other net research and search
tools as interelated ways of communication and learning.
Since this is new work, I'd like to know what others think of it and if
they have any suggestions of additional tools and techniques use.
All the pages are mine, text, graphics and layout, except, of course, the
text on the students home pages and papers.
The URL is either:
(the person running the server has been making some changes - this morning
it is the one at the top)
Jerry Maddox
jxm22.@psu.edu 814 865 0125 ph 814 863 8664 fx
Commentary on Art